experiment 20090524
experiment 20090524

Experiment 20090524 plays with dimensions and begins to explore randomness and likelihood.  It is inspired by The Only Man. Future experiments will build on some of the concepts here.


[UPDATE 2009-05-24 15:25] I am shocked to discover that FF3 on a PC cannot display this application correctly because of abug  for which there is apparently no workaround right now.  On Ubuntu, it’s fine, oddly enough.  It’s also fine in Chrome for Windows.  I shall try to find a hack to make this work.


[UPDATE 2009-05-24 16:08] OK, I spoke too soon; it’s not a bug, per se, it’s Firefox apparently following some sort of rule for font selection which few other browsers use.  Then again, the “proper” way to follow this rule is open to interpretation.  I love firefox, but I wish development decisions that are so controversial would be put to a vote, especially since the *dings used to work in this browser.  Sorry FF3/PC users, this application just won’t display correctly for you. 🙁

One Response

  1. This experiment is more interesting that I thought. I’m seeing different particle behavior from browser to browser, computer to computer. Also, you should be seeing city buildings along the bottom. If you see C’s, please let me know. For some reason, Firefox on the PC seems to show C’s, while FF on Ubuntu shows buildings. Chrome on the same PC shows the buildings. Also, I’d like someone who is good at statistics to check my code. To me, the particles should have just as much probability that they stay together as that they move away from one another. So why do they tend to move away? Also, they should have as much probability that they go north, south, east, or west, but they seems to go northwest as they get more agitated.

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