I found the best place to run the JATO – amidst mountain of mulch, right near the DMV in Winsted! Mulch is great for many reasons. First, it’s got plenty of little bumps and humps to make driving fun and challenging. If you wipe out, it’s not as abrasive on the car as pavement or stone or even dirt. Speaking of dirt, it also doesn’t get into every little nook in the car and saturate your air filter – a major plus. Cleaning was easy today.

I have a few pics to post from after the bashing and a cleanup., but unfortunately, I can’t post the videos yet because they were shot with an iPhone in a vertical orientation, and rotating them doesn’t seem to be working.

I do have a video from a few days ago right after I added the hop-up parts that I can add right away.

Vimeo is smart enough to rotate iPhone movies that were shot vertically. Β Sorry for the weird orientation. Β We’ll shoot it wide next time.

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