I wrote a plugin for WordPress 2.x called Just Unzip. Just Unzip takes a zip file you upload from the “Write” page, unzips it, stores the zipped files in your upload folder, and associates the unzipped files with the current post. Just Unzip makes use of the PclZip php library (LGPL Licensed).

It is available for download at wp-plugins.org.

I wrote it because uploading several files to a single post is time consuming, and I happened to have zip files of the images I wanted to upload.

4 Responses

  1. I am having some problems with this script. Is there any chance you could email me to discuss it a little? This would be a huge time saver script for me if it worked in the new version of wordpress.

  2. Hello;

    I am agree with you uploading several fils it’ time consuming. But can you explain how to use your plugin. Because after uploading a zip file images, nothing appear.

    Sorry, for my english (i am french)

    1. Salut des Γ‰tats Unis! Pas des apologies sont necessaires! J’ai appris la franΓ§ais depuis cinq ans, mais je n’a pas beaucoups chances de practiquer.
      Sorry Macsou, I no longer support the plugin. I wrote it a long time ago and I believe Wordpress now handles multiple file uploads natively.
      N’est pas?

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