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the worksheet

This worksheet is designed to help both of us. You’ll identify the goals of the website and provide info about yourself or organization and identify what’s important.

This is printable. You can complete this form here and email it to yourself or print a copy. You can also print it to PDF.

website worksheet

Note: an outline is simply a document listing the pages that will be on a site. Under each page heading, there is a bullet list of items which go on that page. Content refers to the fully-written copy which must also be on a page. To be fully ready, each page must be professionally proofed, and have the following associated information: page title, page excerpt, menu item, page copy, links (if any).

Most websites need one or more photos or graphics for each page. Photo quality can make or break a website. It is advisable to choose photos and graphics to go along with each page once the content is fully written. Talk to a website designer to get an idea of what kinds of imagery best suit each type of page.

This Section is for YOU

You don’t need to complete this area, but if you’re using this worksheet to email yourself, you might like to check off what you’ve completed.

To send this via email, complete the next section and click SEND. Or simply print the page (may allow you to save as PDF depending on your device).

Video by Nino Souza