Late Pass

First: I’m late.  I know I’m late.  I can’t do anything about being late.

My excuse: got home and had to immediately start helping my wife put up the new roof on the bunny pens.  Yes, we have some bunnies.  This project took us until around 10, which normally would be when I’m just starting to feel programmatically creative, however, I also logged 32 miles commuting to work on bicycle yesterday.  So I was exhausted.

3 Responses

  1. That’s okay–I’m still enjoying the concept of your previous j-query work; I think it’s going to be a very valuable tool.

  2. Thanks, Susan. I think before this is over I’m going to be a better rapid application developer. I’m still not thinking things through before I start writing code. That’s always been my problem, and then I spend 2 hours doing what’s called programming by exception, instead of just clearing up a bug here and there. Anyway, I’m glad you think this stuff might be useful.

  3. And your mom things you are amazing and brilliant, fun, and I just opened up Steve’s page to see what’s going on with the 100 Days thing and began reading this. It’s Sunday morning at Exeter, a blowy sunny-cloudy day, in my kitchen, looking out on the cows. With love and respect for all you are, Jim.

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