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Mini rocket stove

I’ve seen these and always wanted to make one. Took about 10 minutes. I was lucky to have a stove grate in the yard but any criss-crossed metal objects could provide the cooking surface that breathes.


  • tin can
  • a way to cut a flap in it
  • dry twigs and grass
  • matches or something to start the fire
  • cook surface*

*ideally something that won’t burn or melt, allows air flow, and supports your pan or pot

Making It

  1. Cut the top of the can off. A can opener is nice but a strong knife works if that’s all you have.
  2. Cut a flap in the can toward the bottom, leaving a little lip on the bottom, so the flap opens out and up.

Fire it up.

  1. Put dry grass or paper bits or cardboard into the can and light it from the flap.
  2. Start adding tiny twigs from the top to create a nice fire.
  3. Feed in more twigs from the flap. As they burn up, push them in or add new ones.

Little twigs burn hot and fast, large ones burn slow and low. That’s it.

I set it up right near my office.


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