Quick, Non-technical Overview

If you use the Awebsome! Broswer Selector plugin AND a caching plugin (e.g. WP SuperCache), the wrong body classes will be served to your site visitors and could cause your site to render incorrectly. This plugin overcomes that limitation of ABS!

Technical Details

ABS adds classes to the body of your site using Wordpress hooks; this is a problem for caching sites because you do not want those classes cached and served to other clients as they will be inaccurate (e.g. a Mozilla Firefox user could get served a page with body classes that indicate that they use Safari). The result can range from rendering your site incorrectly to the wrong code being executed. This plugin leverages some of the functionality of ABS to generate accurate classes *dynamically* on every page load and add them to the body class attribute using JavaScript and AJAX (leverages jQuery).

Please Note

This plugin *must* be installed in conjunction with ABS 2.2 or higher.

Get It

Download the latestย Awebsome! Browser Selector for Caching


Due to some limitations of my theme, I needed to adjust the padding in my menu items differently for different browsers. Awebsome! Browser Selector allowed me to write browser-specific CSS that addressed the issues, but it did not work correctly when I enabled caching. Originally, my code had been wrapped into the main plugin, but it was removed for some reason, so I decided to make this a plugin add-on.


Even though I’m calling this version 1.0, it’s never been used anywhere except my site, so you can try at your own risk. At worst, it just might not work and you might have to disable it. It doesn’t modify your database or any nonsense like that.


Support will be limited to what I have time to handle. You can leave general comments here (stuff like “hey, good shit, man”),ย but if you need a response, use theย Wordpress.org support forum for the plugin.

Donations Accepted

Hell yeahย you can donate.

4 Responses

  1. Hi James,

    Iโ€™m Andrew from WebHostingHub. We are doing Spanish translations of useful plugins in order to ease the people from Hispanic community and we consider that your Awebsome Browser Selector for CACHING plugin that we found at is very interesting.

    Would it be ok with you, if I translate it into Spanish?
    You can reply me directly by email.

    I hope Iโ€™ll hear from you soon.

    Kind regards

    Andrew Kurtis

  2. Hello James,

    Week ago I have asked for your permission to translate your Awebsome Browser Selector for CACHING plugin in Spanish and I didnโ€™t hear any from you since. I hope that you will find time to provide the reply, because we believe that the translation would be of a great use.

    All the best,
    Andrew Kurtis

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